Reaching your health goals withDiabetes Mellitus

My specialist area, why? I live it every day with my young daughter. Whilst it felt overwhelming to begin with, diabetes is now a part of our everyday life and I know she is and will be just fine…

My daughter has the best technology in the world which I am forever grateful for and we get wonderful support from our local NHS team however her diet and lifestyle plays such a significant role in the stability of her condition and therefore how she feels day to day (there is simply no technology that can compete with a traditional western diet). Not to mention understanding the root cause of why she has the condition.

Diabetes Mellitus is an endocrine condition that causes a person’s blood sugars to become too high, both an autoimmune condition and a disease of metabolism. A diagnosis can feel life changing and overwhelming. 
Regardless of the type of diabetes you have, I am here to support you to reach your own health goals. 

Maybe you are a parent of a newly diagnosed child with type 1, feeling lost in all the information and the fact you have suddenly become their doctor overnight. I have been there.

Or maybe you have a child that was diagnosed with type 1 some time ago but you have not managed to find a way to control their condition and you are on that roller-coaster of highs and lows and just can’t get off. I can help.

Maybe you have just been told you are pre diabetic or have established type 2 diabetes, medication feels imminent or you are already taking medication to control your blood sugars but you would like to try to prevent this or find other ways to support your health. Let’s have a chat

Perhaps you have been living with diabetes for years and years of any type and would like to use nutritional therapy as a means to support the control of your blood sugars, perhaps you are feeling some of the complication of long term high blood sugars such as neuropathy or changes to your eye health and want help. Talk to me.

You may have just been told you have gestational diabetes and feel shocked and concerned about this and would like support to manage this during your pregnancy. Why not reach out